Hooreel Director, Kirin Sinn

We met with the enigmatic Kirin Sinn to ask her what she does as Indie CF’s Director and Designer.

Kirin Sinn

Kirin Sinn
Indie CF, Director/Designer

How did you first find out about Indie CF?
I found out about Indie CF on Facebook. Through an ad for a director position. I was a recent graduate, returning from a stint in Europe, mainly Spain, Portugal, and Morocco. I was doing a bit of freelancing at the time. Posters for plays. Video promotions. Pretty much anything for money. I thought working at Indie CF could be my chance for me to do something really worthwhile.

What is your position at Indie CF?
It used to say Multimedia Director on my business card. That’s because Multimedia was my major. But these days, it’s not as clear…

Really? Then what did you study in school?
In school I learned all about video pre-production and post-production. Everything needed to put together a film. In general I think Multimedia can be a pretty wide subject. But at my school instructors teaching media art began disappearing. I ended up taking a lot of advertisement-related courses. We made tons of commercial films. So I guess my major was video advertising.

Is there a good ad campaign you like that you want to share?
Canon EOS M10 TVCF comes up with good stuff.

Wait, so what do you actually do at Indie CF?
I handle anything related to video. When companies commission ad campaigns from us, or we need some kind of promotional content, that’s me. When there’s down time in video-related work, I help out with our app design. The Hooreel character, that was me too. Right now I’m redrawing the stickers users can apply videos made with Hooreel.

Cool. Then what do you do when you have free time?
Sometimes I still help out on movie projects. Recently I did some post-production work a documentary about working holidays. The director needed some small text animations. Said she wanted it to be like a comic book.

Oh, and a dream of mine is to create my own magazine about tattoos and tattoo culture. But I haven’t had the time to put that one together yet.

Do you even have a tattoo?
Yes. Of a crocodile.

Whoa. To change the subject, you’ve probably seen a ton of movies, so what’s the best and worst of Korean cinema?
Best- Park Chanwook (Stoker)

Worst – Hyuk Byun (The Scarlet Letter, Korean Version)

What are some of the apps that you use regularly?
There’s this app called Chit Chat. It’s like a walkie-talkie version of snap chat. You leave a sound message and it gets deleted after it’s heard.

What do you listen to or watch on Youtube?
There’s this thing called ASMR or 3D Sound that gives you audio sensations to simulate real life experiences. Like having your haircut, sitting by camp fire, or crumpling tinfoil.

Trippy. Wait…do you like listen to this stuff while you work?

#hooreel #indiecf #director #kirinsinn #multimedia #Koreancinema #ASMR #girlwiththecrocodiletattoo

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